Temporary Channels

What is a temporary channel?

A temporary channel is a channel that is created when a user reacts to a certain message, and is deleted when they remove the reaction. These can be easily set up with ChannelBot.

How do I setup a temporary channel reaction?

Step 1: Prep

Before you setup the reaction, make sure you have created a category for channels to be created in. I called mine "Temp" for this example, but you can choose whatever you'd like.

Step 2: Command

Run ch!tempchannels create. This will start the setup process.

If you are prompted to upvote, click the link and upvote, then run the command again.

The bot will ask you for the reaction channel, as shown above. This is the channel that the reaction to create a channel will be in. Send the #channel mention.

Next, the bot will ask you for the message. This is the message that the reaction to create a channel will be on.

Mobile Users: Make sure you have dev tools enabled by following this guide. This will allow you to copy the message's ID. Hold down on the message, and click "Copy ID" and send it to the channel.

Everyone Else: Click the three dots next to the message and click "Copy Link" and send it to the channel.

Next, it will ask you for the emoji. This is the emoji users will click on to create their channel. Send your choice of emoji to continue.

Finally, it will ask you for the category. This is the category you created in the prep step earlier. Send its name to continue, and if you get a success message, you're done!

Step 3: Testing

Click on the reaction you created, and see if the channel is created! Let us know in our Support Server if you need help!

How do I delete a temporary channel reaction?

To delete a temporary channel reaction, run ch!tempchannels delete. It will send a list of temporary channel reactions, and ask for the ID of the one to delete. Send the number to the left of the one you want to delete to delete it!


Let us know in our Support Server if you need any help!

Last updated